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Planning the Roadmap

In order to plan proper the roadmap and the milestones we need an average availability of the team and an average velocity. Planning the basic team capacity and the velocity Average team members: i.e.: 5 team members / developers Average…

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Team Basics

The team principles The team is committed to the agile idea and wants to use agile approach / scrum as efficient as possible. The team wants to give a reliable commitment for the given roadmap and milestone goals. The team…

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Achieve goals successfully

"Achieve goals successfully" is an approach to reach goals reliable with scrum teams. "Achieve goals" successfully can be used as a guide line for new teams and even existing teams. The main goals of "achieve goals successfully" are: Strengthen the…

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Buchungsmodul für Ferienwohnungen

Sie haben bereits eine Internetseite, aber noch keine Online Buchungsmöglichkeit? Hier greift unser Buchungsmodul. Da es neutral gestaltet ist und angepasst werden kann, ist eine Integration in bestehende Internetseiten einfach möglich.

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Wir erstellen für Sie ein Konzept für die Online Präsenz und setzen dieses um. Inklusive Hosting.

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